Dumoulin Black LLP

Jack Ferera

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Prior to joining DuMoulin Black, Jack worked as a legal intern for a health and vitality startup, as a math and science tutor for high school students, and as a research assistant at a hospital.

Outside of work, Jack enjoys playing Chess, going to CrossFit, and watching Arsenal and the Toronto Raptors.


  • University of British Columbia, B.Sc., 2016
  • University of British Columbia, J.D., 2023

Bar Admission

  • British Columbia (2024)


  • Levin A, Adams E, Barrett BJ, et al. 2018. Canadians Seeking Solutions and Innovations to Overcome Chronic Kidney Disease (Can-SOLVE CKD): form and function. Can J Kidney Health Dis. 2018;5. doi:10.1177/2054358117749530.
  • Bremner W, Campbell T, Ferera J, Zaman R. 2016. Evaluating Double Agar Overlay Assay and Flow Cytometry as Methods for Characterizing Competition between T4 and T7 Bacteriophages in Escherichia coli C600. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 20:69-77.

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